FK 5024 - Particle and nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology (7.5 hp)

Autumn 2018, weeks 36-44

The course will be taught by: Lars BergströmDavid Milstead, Jan Conrad; Assistants: Anthony Bonfils, Francesco Torsello



Particle physics: The standard model of particle physics, Feynman diagrams to illustrate processes and estimate cross sections, bound states of quarks and antiquarks
Nuclear physics: The properties of the nucleus, alpha, beta and gamma decay, nuclear reactions, ethical assessments and assessments of the impact on society
Astrophysics and cosmology: Stars and galaxies and our place in the universe, the early universe, nuclear synthesis, the cosmic microwave background radiation, dark matter and dark energy

Course Schedule (preliminary) . NOTE that notes from all lectures and tutorials are posted on the Course Schedule as soon as they have finished!

Formula sheet for the exam. (This may change somewhat depending on the exam, shown is the current version.)

New! Extra set of practice questions + solutions on particle physics part (courtesy of David Milstead)


Minimum requirements for passing:

The final grade will be determined based on the result on the written exam, with the possibility of a bonus point for well done hand-ins; see here.

Important dates

·       Thursday, September 20: Deadline for hand-in problems, set I

·       Tuesday, October 9: Seminar I

·       Tuesday, October 9: Deadline for hand-in problems, set II

·       Thursday, October 18: Deadline for hand-in problems, set III

·       Thursday, October 25: Seminar II

·       Thursday, November 1: Exam

Previous Exams

2016 Examination

with solution

2017 Examination   

2017 Solution

2018 With solutions