Course Announcement:
postscrip file
Background Notes: The
Propagator in Quantum Mechanics
Background problems: Problem
Set I , Problem Set II
Recommended Books:
- R. Shankar, Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 8
- R. P. Feynman and A. R. Hibbs, Path Integrals and Quantum
- J. J. Sakurai Modern Quantum Mechanics, pages 109-123
- C. Itzykson and J. B. Zuber,
Quantum Field Theory, Chapter on Functional Methods
- L. S. Schulman,
Techniques and Applications of Path Integration.
Web resources:
Topics Covered:
- Background
- The notion of "propagator" in Quantum Mechanics
- Path integral for a free particle
- Path integrals from the operator formulation of QM
- Schrodinger equation from the Path integral
- Classical limit in the Path integral approach
- Path integral for the Harmonic Oscillator
- Energy eigenvalues and eigen functions from the propagator
- Special topics: WKB, Scattering Theory, Aharonov-Bhom effect, etc