Mathematica package: alatc
Package to calculate the F - and R-symbols, as well as the modular data, from the quantum groups associated with affine Lie algebras.
Some mathematica notebooks
Clebsch-Gordan and 6j coefficients for rank two quantum groups
These notebooks contain the q-CG coefficients for su(2)_k and rank two quantum groups based on affine Lie algebra's (at the lowest, non-trivial level, as well as a simple example of a theory with a fusion multiplicity). The q-6j symbols (for the rank two quantum groups) are calculated from the q-CG coefficients, and the pentagon equations are checked explicitly in this case.
- q-CG coefficients for su(2)_k: q-CG-su2k.nb.
- q-6j symbols for su(2)_k: q-6j-su2k.nb.
- q-CG coefficients for rank two quantum groups: q-CG-rank2.nb.
- q-6j symbols for rank two quantum groups: q-6j-rank2.nb.
The explicit formula for the su(2)_k q-CG coefficients can be found in
V.A. Groza, I.I. Kachurik, A.U. Klimyk, J. Math. Phys. 31, 2769 (1990).
The su(2)_k q-6j symbols are based on the
formula of Kirillov and Reshetikhin:
A.N. Kirillov, N.Y. Reshetikhin, Representations of the algebra Uq(sl(2)),
q-orthogonal polynomials and invariants of links,
in V.G. Kac, ed., Infinite dimensional Lie algebras and groups,
Proceedings of the conference held at CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, p. 285,
World Scientific, Singapore (1988).
The q-CG coefficients and q-6j symbols for the rank two quantum
groups were calculated by Joost Slingerland and myself, details can
be found in this paper.
The structure of spinful quantum Hall states: a squeezing perspective
The packages contain routines to construct (model) quantum Hall states. In particular, it generates (reduced) Hilbert spases and the highest weight conditions for both L and S (for spinless (polarized) as well as spin-1/2 states, both bosonic and fermionic). Some routines to solve these conditions are provided. Two other packages can be used to calculate the particle and orbital entanglement spectrum. Finally, a file with examples is provided, to help in understanding how the packages function.
Something to keep in mind (contact me if you have questions):
- No real effort has been put into optimizing the code, so system sizes are limited. The versions provided here do not make use the additional symmetry for L=0 and/or S=0.
- No routines are provided to obtain the number of solutions numerically, via an eigenvalue problem.
- We refer to our paper for details on the squeezing method in the spinful case, as well as for reference on particle and orbtial entanglement spectra.
The files:
- The package for the squeeze routines: SqueezeRoutines.m
- The package for the particle entanglement spectra: ParticleEntanglement.m
- The package for the orbital entanglement spectra: OrbitalEntanglement.m
- The notebook with some examples: squeeze-examples.nb