Curriculum Vitae
Work experience
August 2002 - August 2005:
Post-doctoral research associate in the Department of Physics,
at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
August 2005 - November 2007:
Post-doctoral researcher at the Center for the Physics of Information / Institute for Quantum Information,
at the California Institute of Technology.
January 2006 - March 2007:
Post-doctoral researcher at Microsoft Station Q (on leave from Caltech).
December 2007 - November 2012:
Assistant professor at Nordita.
March 2012 - August 2024
University lecturer (associate professor) in the department of physics (Fysikum) at Stockholm University.
From September 2024
Professor in the department of physics (Fysikum) at Stockholm University.
August 1993 - March 1998:
Master's student in theoretical physics, Institute Lorentz, Leiden University.
Supervisors: P. van Baal and J. Zaanen.
Master's thesis: The role of Chern-Simons theory in the quantum Hall effect.
Graduation: March 1998 (cum laude).
April 1998 - April 2002:
Graduate student at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam.
Supervisor: K. Schoutens
Ph-D thesis: A conformal field theory description of fractional quantum Hall states.
Graduation: April 2002 (cum laude). This thesis was awarded the Andreas Bonn Medal of the Genootschap ter bevordingering van natuur-, genees- en heelkunde.
May 2017:
Docent in physics, Stockholm university.
- My curriculum vitae.
- List of my publications.