Eddy Ardonne Fysikum

Course information

During the acadamic year 2023/2024, I will be teaching

In addition, I will coordinate the course Introduction to Conformal Field theory as a 'peer study course' during the fall of 2023.

Below, you can find more information about previous courses that I thaught. For the later ones, there is no website avaible, because the courses use the 'Athena' system, and those pages are, unfortunately, not publically available.

Previous courses

Natural Science for Upper Secondary School Teachers - Physics, FK2010 (15 hp)

Foundation year in natural science - Physics 2 (6 hp)

Mathematical methods in physics, FK7048

Quantum field theory for condensed matter, FK8018

Principles of quantum physics, FK2003

Elektromagnetism, FK4010

Ellära, FK4005e

Introduction to Conformal field theory

The matrial covered in the Introduction to Conformal Field Theory course differs somewhat each time. See the different websites for more details.