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( walck ) and ( 2001-2005 )

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117, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: A New Search Paradigm for Correlated Neutrino Emission from Discrete GRBs using Antarctic Cherenkov Telescopes in the Swift Era
Ref.: Presented by Michael Stamatikos and David Band for the IceCube Collaboration; Proceedings of the 16th Annual Astrophysics Conference in Maryland: Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift Era, 29 November - 2 December 2005, Washington, District of Columbia, eds. Stephen S. Holt, Neil Gehrels and John A. Nousek (2006); e-print archive astro-ph/0602481, 22 February 2006; AIP Conference Proceedings 836 (2006) 599-604

116, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Neutrino Astronomy at the South Pole: Latest Results from AMANDA-II
Ref.: Presented by Paolo Desiati at the Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 2005), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 24-28 October 2005; astro-ph/0601571, 25 January 2006; AIP Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 983-985

115, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: First Results from IceCube
Ref.: Presented by Spencer R. Klein at the Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 2005), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 24-28 October 2005; astro-ph/0601269, 12 January 2006; AIP Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 971-976

114, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: The IceCube Collaboration: Contributions to the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2005), Pune, India, 3-10 August 2005
Ref.: e-print archive astro-ph/0509330, 13 September 2005

113, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: G. C. Hill for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Neutrino Astronomy with IceCube and AMANDA
Ref.: Highlight paper presented by G. C. Hill at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India; Proceedings, Vol. 10, 213-226

112, paper , inspire
Authors: D. Hubert, A. Davour, C. de los Heros for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Search for Neutralino Dark Matter with the AMANDA Neutrino Detector
Ref.: Presented by D. Hubert at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session HE2.3; Proceedings, Vol. 9, 179-182

111, paper , inspire
Authors: M. Ackermann, E. Bernardini for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: An Investigation of Seasonal Variations in the Atmospheric Neutrino Rate with the AMANDA-II Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by M. Ackermann at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session HE2.2; Proceedings, Vol. 9, 107-110

110, paper , inspire
Authors: T. K. Gaisser for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Air Shower with IceCube: First Engineering Data
Ref.: Presented by T. K. Gaisser at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session HE1.5; Proceedings, Vol. 8, 315-318

109, paper , inspire
Authors: D. Chirkin for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: IceCube: Initial Performance
Ref.: Presented by D. Chirkin at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session HE1.5; Proceedings, Vol. 8, 303-306

108, paper , inspire
Authors: A. Silvestri for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Performance of AMANDA-II Using Transient Waveform Recorders
Ref.: Presented by A. Silvestri at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.7; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 431-434

107, paper , inspire
Authors: T. Messarius for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: A Software Trigger for the AMANDA Neutrino Detector
Ref.: Presented by T. Messarius at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.7; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 207-210

106, paper , inspire
Authors: K. Kuehn for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: The Search for Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts with AMANDA
Ref.: Presented by K. Kuehn at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 131-134

105, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: J. L. Kelley for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: A Search for High-energy Muon Neutrinos from the Galactic Plane with AMANDA-II
Ref.: Presented by J. L. Kelley at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 127-130; e-print archive astro-ph/0509546, 19 September 2005

104, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: B. Hughey, I. Taboada for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Neutrino-Induced Cascades From GRBs With AMANDA-II
Ref.: Presented by B. Hughey at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 119-122; e-print archive astro-ph/0509570, 19 September 2005

103, paper , inspire
Authors: J. Hodges for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Search for Diffuse Flux of Extraterrestrial Muon Neutrinos using AMANDA-II Data from 2000 to 2003
Ref.: Presented by J. Hodges at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 115-118

102, paper , inspire
Authors: L. Gerhardt for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Sensitivity of AMANDA-II to UHE Neutrinos
Ref.: Presented by L. Gerhardt at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 111-114

101, paper , inspire
Authors: H. Miyamoto for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Calibration and Characterization of Photomultiplier Tubes of the IceCube Neutrino Detector
Ref.: Presented by H. Miyamoto at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 63-66

100, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: D. Besson, S. Böser, R. Nahnhauer, P. B. Price and J. A. Vandenbroucke for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Simulation of a Hybrid Optical/Radio/Acoustic Extension to IceCube for EeV Neutrino Detection
Ref.: Presented by R. Nahnhauer at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 21-24; e-print archive astro-ph/0512604, 25 December 2005

99, paper , inspire
Authors: K. Münich for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Search for a Diffuse Flux of Non-Terrestrial Muon Neutrinos with the AMANDA Detector
Ref.: Presented by K. Münich at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 17-20

98, paper , inspire
Authors: A. Groß for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: A Source Stacking Analysis of AGN as Neutrino Point Source Candidates with AMANDA
Ref.: Presented by M. Ackermann at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 13-16

97, paper , inspire
Authors: M. Ackermann, E. Bernardini, T Hauschildt for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Search for High Energy Neutrino Point Sources in the Northern Hemisphere with the AMANDA-II Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by M. Ackermann at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 5-8

96, paper , inspire
Authors: M. Ackermann, E. Bernardini, T Hauschildt, E. Resconi for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Multiwavelength Comparison of Selected Neutrino Point Source Candidates
Ref.: Presented by M. Ackermann at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.5; Proceedings, Vol. 5, 1-4

95, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: Michael Stamatikos, Jenny Kurtzweil, Melanie J. Clarke for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Probing for Leptonic Signatures from GRB030329 with AMANDA-II
Ref.: Presented by M. Stamatikos at the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3-10 August 2005, Pune, India, session OG2.42; Proceedings, Vol. 4, 471-474; e-print archive astro-ph/0510336, 12 October 2005

94, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: M. Ribordy et al
Title: From AMANDA to IceCube
Ref.: Presented by M. Ribordy at the Vth International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics, Dubna, Russia, 20-25 June 2005: Physics of Atomic Nuclei 69 (2006) 1899-1907, November 2006

93, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: Elisa Bernardini for the IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Multi-Messenger Studies with AMANDA/IceCube: Observations and Strategies
Ref.: Presented by Elisa Bernardini at the Cherenkov 2005 Conference, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 27-29 April 2005: e-print archive astro-ph/0509396, 14 September 2005

92, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Ackermann et al
Title: Search for Extraterrestrial Point Sources of High Energy Neutrinos with AMANDA-II Using Data Collected in 2000-2002
Ref.: Physical Review D71 (2005) 077102, 4 April 2005

91, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Ackermann et al
Title: Exploring the High-Energy Neutrino Universe from the South Pole - Results from AMANDA and Status of IceCube
Ref.: Presented by Kurt Woschnagg at the 19th Rencontres De Physique De La Vallee D'Aoste: Results And Perspectives In Particle Physics, 27 February - 5 March 2005, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy; Frascati Physics Series 39 (2005) 89-106

90, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Ackermann et al
Title: Flux Limits on Ultra High Energy Neutrinos with AMANDA-B10
Ref.: Astroparticle Physics 22 (2005) 339-353, January 2005


89, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Ackermann et al
Title: Search for Neutrino-Induced Cascades with AMANDA
Ref.: Astroparticle Physics 22 (2004) 127-138, November 2004

88, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: IceTop Status in 2004
Ref.: Presented by T. Stanev and R. Ulrich for the IceCube Collaboration at the Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW2004), Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Italy, 11-17 September 2004; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 145 (2005) 327-330, August 2005

87, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Ackermann et al
Title: New Results from the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by E. Bernardini at the Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW2004), Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Italy, 11-17 September 2004; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 145 (2005) 319-322, August 2005

86, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA and SPASE Collaborations: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Composition at the Knee with the SPASE-2/AMANDA-B10 Detectors
Ref.: Astroparticle Physics 21 (2004) 565-581, September 2004

85, paper , paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA and IceCube Collaborations: A. Achterberg et al
Title: Neutrino Astronomy and Cosmic Rays at the South Pole - Latest Results from AMANDA and Perspectives for IceCube
Ref.: Presented by P. Desiati for Amanda/IceCube; Proceedings of the XIX European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Firenze, Italy, 30 August - 3 September 2004; International Journal of Modern Physics A20 (2005) 6919-6923, 20 November 2005

84, paper , paper
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: B. Hughey et al
Title: Recent Results from the AMANDA Experiment
Ref.: Presented by B. Hughey at the 5th Rencontres du Vietnam, Particle Physics and Astrophysics (VietNam2004), New Views in Particle Physics, Hanoi, VietNam, 5-11 August 2004; to appear in proceedings

83, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: The IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Ref.: Presented by Olga Botner for the IceCube Collaboration at the 21st International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2004), Collège de France, Paris, France, 14-19 June 2004; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 143 (2005) 367-370, June 2005

82, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: K. Woschnagg et al
Title: New Results from the Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array
Ref.: Presented by K. Woschnagg at the 21st International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2004), Paris, France, 14-19 June 2004; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 143 (2005) 343-350, June 2005

81, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: C. de los Heros et al
Title: Results from the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by C. de los Heros at the 5th Cosmic Ray International Seminar: GZK And Surroundings (CRIS 2004), Catania, Italy, 31 May - 4 June 2004; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 136 (2004) 85-92, November 2004

80, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Muon Track Reconstruction and Data Selection Techniques in AMANDA
Ref.: Nuclear Instruments and Methods A524 (2004) 169-194, 21 May 2004

79, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: The SPASE Collaboration and The AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Calibration and Survey of AMANDA with the SPASE Detectors
Ref.: Nuclear Instruments and Methods A522 (2004) 347-359, 21 April 2004

78, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Ackermann et al
Title: AMANDA: Status and Latest Results
Ref.: Presented by M. Ribordy at the 39th Rencontres De Moriond On Electroweak Interactions And Unified Theories, 21-28 March 2004, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy; e-print archive hep-ex/0405035, 14 May 2004

77, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Search for Extraterrestrial Point Sources of Neutrinos with AMANDA-II
Ref.: Physical Review Letters 92 (2004) 071102, 19 February 2004

76, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: M. Kestel et al
Title: Design and Status of IceCube
Ref.: Presented by Martin Kestel for the IceCube Collaboration at the 10th Vienna Conference On Instrumentation, 16-21 February 2004, Vienna, Austria; Nuclear Instruments and Methods A535 (2004) 139-142, 11 December 2004

75, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Sensitivity of the IceCube Detector to Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Muon Neutrinos
Ref.: Astroparticle Physics 20 (2004) 507-532, February 2004

74, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Ackermann et al
Title: Results from the AMANDA Detector
Ref.: Presented by P. Olbrechts at the Cracow Epiphany Conference On Astroparticle Physics, Cracow, Poland, 8-11 January 2004; Acta Physica Polonica B35 (2004) 1919-1931, June 2004


73, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: IceCube: The Cubic Kilometer Neutrino Telescope at the South Pole
Ref.: Presented by A. R. Fazely for the IceCube collaboration at the Coral Gables Conference: Launching of Belle Epoque in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 17-21 December 2003; e-print archive astro-ph/0406125, 4 June 2004

72, paper , doi , ads
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: The IceCube Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by Shigeru Yoshida at the International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA 2003), Taipei, Taiwan, 13-15 November 2003; Modern Physics Letters A19 (2004) 1099-1106, 30 May 2004

71, paper , doi , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Ackermann et al
Title: Search for Neutrino Point Sources with the AMANDA Telescope
Ref.: Presented by Othmane Bouhali at the International Workshop On Astroparticle And High-Energy Physics (AHEP-2003), Valencia, Spain, 14-18 October 2003; Journal of High Energy Physics, Conference Proceedings PRHEP-AHEP2003/003; Proceedings of Science (AHEP2003) 003

70, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: The IceCube Project
Ref.: Presented by C. Spiering for the IceCube Collaboration; Proceedings of the VLV$\nu$T Workshop, "Technical Aspects of a Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope in the Mediterranean Sea", NIKHEF, Amsterdam 5-8 October 2003, 21-25; e-print archive astro-ph/0404090, 5 April 2004

Authors: Per Olof Hulth och Christian Walck
Title: Neutriner som budbärare från Kosmos
Ref.: Kosmos 2003, Svenska Fysikersamfundets Årsbok, 19-45

68, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: The AMANDA Search for High Energy Neutrinos From Gamma Ray Bursts
Ref.: Presented by Rellen Hardtke at the 2003 GRB Conference: 30th Anniversary Of GRB Discovery, 8-12 September 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico; AIP Conference Proceedings 727 (2004) 158-161, September 2004

67, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Method for Detecting Neutrinos from Internal Shocks in GRB Fireballs with AMANDA
Ref.: Presented by Michael Stamatikos at the 2003 GRB Conference: 30th Anniversary Of GRB Discovery, 8-12 September 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico; AIP Conference Proceedings 727 (2004) 146-149, September 2004

66, paper , doi , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: IceCube Education and Outreach: Bringing Neutrinos to the Secondary School Classroom
Ref.: Presented by J. Madsen at the 8th International Workshop On Topics In Astroparticle And Underground Physics (TAUP 2003), 5-9 Sep 2003, Seattle, Washington; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 138 (2005) 458-460, January 2005

65, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: The IceCube Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by Shigeru Yoshida at the 8th International Workshop On Topics In Astroparticle And Underground Physics (TAUP 2003), 5-9 Sep 2003, Seattle, Washington; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 138 (2005) 179-182, January 2005

64, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: The Search for Muon Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts with AMANDA B-10 and AMANDA-II
Ref.: Presented by Kyler Kuehn at the 8th International Workshop On Topics In Astroparticle And Underground Physics (TAUP 2003), 5-9 Sep 2003, Seattle, Washington; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 138 (2005) 171-174, January 2005

63, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Results from the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by Peter Steffen at the 8th International Workshop On Topics In Astroparticle And Underground Physics (TAUP 2003), 5-9 Sep 2003, Seattle, Washington; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 138 (2005) 167-170, January 2005

62, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: L. Köpke et al
Title: Recent Results from the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Lutz Köpke representing the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, Vol. 8, Invited, Highlight, and Rapporteur Sessions, 323-333

61, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: R. Hardtke, K. Kuehn, M. Stamatikos et al
Title: Searching for High Energy Muon Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts with AMANDA
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, OG 2.4, 2717-2720

60, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: Ph. Olbrechts et al
Title: Search for Muons from WIMP Annihilation in the Center of the Earth with the AMANDA-B10 Detector
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 3.3, 1677-1680

59, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. Desiati, K. Bland et al
Title: Response of AMANDA-II to Cosmic Ray Muons
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1373-1376

58, paper , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: S. Yoshida et al
Title: The IceCube High Energy Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1369-1372

57, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: W. Wagner et al
Title: New Capabilities of the AMANDA-II High Energy Neutrino Detector
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1365-1368

56, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: T. Feser et al
Title: Online Search for Neutrino Bursts from Supernovae with the AMANDA Detector
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1325-1328

55, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: G. C. Hill, M. J. Leuthold, J. A. Cooley et al
Title: Search for Diffuse Fluxes of Extraterrestrial Muon-Neutrinos with the AMANDA Detectors
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1317-1320

54, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: H. Geenen et al
Title: Atmospheric Neutrino and Muon Spectra Measured with the AMANDA-II Detector
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1313-1316

53, paper , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: S. Hundertmark et al
Title: AMANDA-B10 Limit on UHE Muon-Neutrinos
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1309-1312

52, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: T. Hauschildt, D. Steele et al
Title: Search for Extraterrestrial Point Sources of Neutrinos with AMANDA-II
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1305-1308

51, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: M. Kowalski et al
Title: Search for High Energy Neutrinos of All Flavors with AMANDA II
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.3, 1301-1304

50, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: D. Chirkin et al
Title: Cosmic Ray Flux Measurement with AMANDA-II
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 2.1, 1211-1214

49, paper , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: T. K. Gaisser et al
Title: IceTop: The Surface Component of IceCube
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 1.5, 1117-1120

48, paper , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: T. K. Gaisser, R. Ulrich et al
Title: Simulation of Ice Cherenkov Detectors for IceTop
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 1.5, 965-968

47, paper , inspire
Authors: SPASE and AMANDA Collaborations: K. Rawlins et al
Title: Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Composition at the Knee with the SPASE-2/AMANDA-B10 Detectors
Ref.: Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 31 July - 7 August 2003, HE 1.1, 173-176

46, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Limits on Diffuse Fluxes of High Energy Extraterrestrial Neutrinos with the AMANDA-B10 Detector
Ref.: Physical Review Letters 90 (2003) 251101, 24 June 2003

45, paper
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Status of the AMANDA Experiment
Ref.: Presented by Elisa Bernardini at the Incontro Nazionale di Astrofisica delle Alte Energie, Roma, Italy, 15-16 maggio 2003; to appear in proceedings in Frascati physics series

44, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Status of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Ref.: Presented by G. W. Sullivan at the 2nd VERITAS Symposium on the Astrophysics of Extragalactic Sources, Chicago, USA, 24-26 April 2003; New Astronomy Reviews 48 (2004) 519-525, April 2004

43, paper , paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Achterberg et al
Title: IceCube: A Multipurpose Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by Katherine Rawlins for the IceCube Collaboration at the 3rd International Workshop for Comprehensive Study of the High Energy Universe - Toward Very High Energy Particle Astronomy - (VHEPA-3), Tokyo, Japan, 20-22 March 2003; Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77 (2008) Supplement B, 71-75

42, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration; P. Niessen et al
Title: Recent Results from the AMANDA Experiment
Ref.: Presented by Peter Niessen for the Amanda Collaboration at the 38th Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, 15-22 March 2003; e-print archive astro-ph/0306209, 10 June 2003

41, paper , paper
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration; S. Hundertmark et al
Title: Results from the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by Stephan Hundertmark for the Amanda Collaboration at the 10th International Workshop On Neutrino Telescopes, Venice, Italy, 11-14 March 2003; Proceedings, ed. M. Baldo Ceolin, Vol. II (2003) 479-486

40, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration; P. Desiati et al
Title: Neutrino Astronomy at the South Pole: Status of the AMANDA Experiment
Ref.: Presented by Paolo Desiati for the Amanda Collaboration at the 17th Les Rencontres De Physique De La Vallee D'Aoste: Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, 9-15 March 2003; e-print archive astro-ph/0306536, 25 June 2003

39, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Search for Point Sources of High-Energy Neutrinos with AMANDA
Ref.: Astrophysical Journal 583 (2003) 1040-1057, 1 February 2003

38, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Search for Neutrino-Induced Cascades with the AMANDA Detector
Ref.: Physical Review D67 (2003) 012003, 1 January 2003


37, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: O. Bouhali et al
Title: Results from the AMANDA Telescope
Ref.: Presented by O. Bouhali at the XVI International Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PaNic02), Osaka, Japan, 30 September - 4 October 2002; Nuclear Physics A721 (2003) 545c-548c, 30 June 2003

36, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: C. Wiebusch et al
Title: Results from AMANDA
Ref.: Presented at a CERN EP seminar by C. Wiebusch at CERN in September 2002; Modern Physics Letters A17 (2002) 2019-2037, 10 October 2002

35, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: S. Barwick et al
Title: Physics and Operation of the AMANDA-II High Energy Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by S. Barwick; Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 22-28 August 2002; SPIE Proceedings Vol. 4858 (2003) 79-91, 3 March 2003

34, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Limits to the Muon Flux from WIMP Annihilation in the Center of the Earth with the AMANDA Detector
Ref.: Physical Review D66 (2002) 032006, 1 August 2002

33, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: K. Hanson et al
Title: Recent Results from the AMANDA II
Ref.: K. Hanson for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP02), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24-31 July 2002; Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 117, Supplement 1 (2003) 126-128, April 2003

32, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Observation of High Energy Atmospheric Neutrinos with the Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array
Ref.: Physical Review D66 (2002) 012005, 1 July 2002

31, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: A. Karle et al
Title: IceCube - The Next Generation Neutrino Telescope at the South Pole
Ref.: Presented by A. Karle for the IceCube collaboration at the XXth International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Munich, Germany, 25-30 May, 2002; Proceedings ed. F. von Feilitzsch and N. Schmitz, Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 118 (2003) 388-395, April 2003

30, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: D. F. Cowen et al
Title: Results from the Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array
Ref.: Presented by D. F. Cowen at the XXth International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Munich, Germany, 25-30 May, 2002; Proceedings ed. F. von Feilitzsch and N. Schmitz, Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 118 (2003) 371-379, April 2003

29, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: X. Bai et al
Title: Application of Bayesian Statistics to Muon Track Reconstruction in AMANDA
Ref.: Tyce de Young and Gary C. Hill for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the Conference On Advanced Statistical Techniques In Particle Physics, Durham, England, 18-22 March 2002, 235-241

28 , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: W. Rhode et al
Title: Atmospheric Neutrinos, WIMPs and Monopoles: Physics with the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope
Ref.: Presented by W. Rhode, in Proceedings of the 4th International Heidelberg Conference on Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics, Cape Town, South Africa, 4-9 February 2002; pp. 531-541

27, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Search for Supernova Neutrino-Bursts with the Amanda Detector
Ref.: Astroparticle Physics 16 (2002) 345-359, February 2002


26, paper
Authors: The IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: IceCube Preliminary Design Document
Ref.: Revision 1.24, 11 October 2001;

25 , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Monte Carlo Event Generation in AMANDA
Ref.: S. Hundertmark for the AMANDA Collaboration, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Methodical Aspects of Underwater/Ice Neutrino Telescopes, Hamburg, Germany, 15-16 August 2001, Ed. R. Wischnewski, DESY-PROC-2002-01, 105-110

24 , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Search for UHE Neutrinos with AMANDA
Ref.: S. Hundertmark for the AMANDA Collaboration, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Methodical Aspects of Underwater/Ice Neutrino Telescopes, Hamburg, Germany, 15-16 August 2001, Ed. R. Wischnewski, DESY-PROC-2002-01, 69-76

23 , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Performance Studies for the IceCube Detector
Ref.: M. J. Leuthold, C. Spiering, H. Wissing for the IceCube Collaboration, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Methodical Aspects of Underwater/Ice Neutrino Telescopes, Hamburg, Germany, 15-16 August 2001, Ed. R. Wischnewski, DESY-PROC-2002-01, 65-68

22 , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Potential of AMANDA-II in HE Neutrino Astrophysics
Ref.: S. Barwick for the AMANDA Collaboration, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Methodical Aspects of Underwater/Ice Neutrino Telescopes, Hamburg, Germany, 15-16 August 2001, Ed. R. Wischnewski, DESY-PROC-2002-01, 57-60

21 , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Analysis of Atmospheric Muons with AMANDA
Ref.: P. Desiati for the AMANDA Collaboration, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Methodical Aspects of Underwater/Ice Neutrino Telescopes, Hamburg, Germany, 15-16 August 2001, Ed. R. Wischnewski, DESY-PROC-2002-01, 23-26

20, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Search for Relativistic Monopoles with the Amanda Detector
Ref.: P. Niessen for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 3.4 HE315), 1496-1498

19, paper , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Science Potential of the IceCube Detector
Ref.: C. Spiering for the IceCube Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.5 HE256), 1242-1245

18, paper , inspire
Authors: IceCube Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: The IceCube Detector
Ref.: A. Goldschmidt for the IceCube Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.5 19:36), 1237-1240

17, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Potential of AMANDA-II in HE Neutrino Astrophysics
Ref.: S. W. Barwick for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.5 19:24), 1101-1104

16, paper
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Time Calibration of the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope with Cosmic Ray Muons
Ref.: D. Cowen and K. Hanson for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.3 HE237), 1133-1136

15, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: A Method to Detect UHE Neutrinos with AMANDA
Ref.: S. Hundertmark for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.3 HE236), 1129-1132

14, paper
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Performance of the AMANDA-II Detector
Ref.: R. Wischnewski for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.3 HE233), 1105-1108

13, paper
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: The AMANDA Search for High Energy Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts
Ref.: R. Hardtke and G. Barouch for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.3 HE232), 1121-1124

12, paper
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Supernova Neutrino-Burst Search with the AMANDA Detector
Ref.: T. Neunhöffer for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.3 HE231), 1125-1128

11, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Search for Cascade-like Events in the AMANDA-B10 Detector
Ref.: I. Taboada and M. Kowalski for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.3 18:36), 1117-1120

10, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Search for a Diffuse Flux from Sources of High Energy Neutrinos with AMANDA-B10
Ref.: G. Hill for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.3 18:24), 1113-1116

9, paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Observation of High Energy Atmospheric Neutrinos with AMANDA
Ref.: C. H. Wiebusch for the AMANDA Collaboration; Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.3 18:12), 1109-1112

8, paper , inspire
Authors: SPASE and AMANDA Collaborations: X. Bai et al
Title: Calibration and Survey of AMANDA with SPASE
Ref.: Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.1 HE208), 977-980

7, paper
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. Desiati, W. Rhode et al
Title: Analysis of Atmospheric Muons with AMANDA
Ref.: Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 7-15 August 2001 (HE 2.1 HE205), 985-988

6, paper , arxiv , doi , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Physics results from the AMANDA Neutrino Detector
Ref.: Presented by M. Kowalski; Proceedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 12-18 July 2001; Journal of High Energy Physics, Conference Proceedings, PRHEP-hep2001/207; Proceedings of Science (hep2001) 207

5, paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Measurement of $V_{cb}$ from the Decay Process $\bar{B}^0\rightarrow D^{\ast +}\ell^-\bar{\nu}$
Ref.: Physics Letters B510 (2001) 55-74, 21 June 2001

4, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: E. Andrés et al
Title: Observation of High-Energy Neutrinos Using Čerenkov Detectors Embedded Deep in Antarctic Ice
Ref.: Nature 410 (2001) 441-443, 22 March 2001

3, paper , paper , arxiv , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Results from AMANDA
Ref.: Presented by G. C. Hill at the XXXVIth Rencontres de Moriond, Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, March 2001; e-print archive astro-ph/0106064, 5 June 2001

2, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: J. Ahrens et al
Title: Results from AMANDA
Ref.: Presented by A. Karle; Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, Venice, 6-9 March 2001, ed. M. Baldo-Ceolin, Padua Univ. (2001) vol. 2, 569-580

1, paper , paper , arxiv , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Study of Dimuon Production in Photon-Photon Collisions and Measurement of QED Photon Structure Functions at LEP
Ref.: European Physical Journal C19 (2001) 15-28, February 2001

End of list

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