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List of Publications for ( walck ) and ( 1991-1995 )
List of Publications for
( walck ) and ( 1991-1995 )
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- 115, paper
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Study of Prompt Photon Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C69 (1995) 1-13, December 1995
- 114, paper
, inspire
- Authors: The LEP Collaborations ALEPH, DELPHI, L3, OPAL and the LEP Electroweak
Working Group
- Title: A Combination of Preliminary LEP Electroweak Measurements and
Constraints on the Standard Model
- Ref.: CERN-PPE/95-172, 24 November 1995; prepared from contributions to
the 1995 EPS-HEP, Brussels, Belgium, 27 July - 2 August 1995 and
the International Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions, Beijing,
China, 10-15 August 1995
- 113, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Production of Strange B-baryons Decaying into
$\Xi^\mp - \ell^\mp$ Pairs at LEP
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C68 (1995) 541-553, November 1995
- 112, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of $\Delta^{++}(1232)$ Production in Hadronic Z
- Ref.: Physics Letters B361 (1995) 207-220, 2 November 1995
- 111, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Upper Limits on the Branching Ratios $\tau\rightarrow\mu\gamma$
and $\tau\rightarrow e\gamma$
- Ref.: Physics Letters B359 (1995) 411-421, 12 October 1995
- 110, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Lifetime and Production Rate of Beauty Baryons From Z Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C68 (1995) 375-390, October 1995
- 109, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: W. Adam et al
- Title: Lifetimes of Charged and Neutral B Hadrons Using Event
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C68 (1995) 363-374, October 1995
- 108, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: $B^*$ Production in Z Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C68 (1995) 353-362, October 1995
- 107, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of the $\tau$ Leptonic Branching Fractions
- Ref.: Physics Letters B357 (1995) 715-726, 14 September 1995
- 106, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Search for Exclusive Charmless B Meson Decays With the DELPHI
Detector at LEP
- Ref.: Physics Letters B357 (1995) 255-266, 31 August 1995
- 105, paper
, ads
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: T. C. Miller et al
- Title: SPASE-AMANDA Coincidences at the South Pole
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome,
Italy, 28 August - 8 September 1995, Volume 2, 768-771
- 104, paper
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, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: B. Erlandsson et al
- Title: Measurements of the Absorption Length of the Ice at the South
Pole in the Wavelength Interval 410 nm to 610 nm
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome,
Italy, 28 August - 8 September 1995, Volume 1, 1039-1042
- 103, paper
, ads
, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: S. Tilav et al
- Title: Indirect Evidence for Long Absorption lengths in Antarctic Ice
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome,
Italy, 28 August - 8 September 1995, Volume 1, 1011-1014
- 102, paper
, ads
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. Askebjer et al
- Title: Remote Surveys of AMANDA
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome,
Italy, 28 August - 8 September 1995, Volume 1, 1009-1010
- 101, paper
, ads
, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: L. Gray et al
- Title: The Design of a Neutrino Telescope Using Natural Deep Ice as a
Particle Detector
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome,
Italy, 28 August - 8 September 1995, Volume 1, 816-819
- 100, paper
, ads
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. B. Price et al
- Title: Optical Properties of South Pole Ice for Neutrino Astrophysics
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome,
Italy, 28 August - 8 September 1995, Volume 1, 777-778
- 99, paper
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, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. C. Mock et al
- Title: Status and Capabilities of AMANDA-94
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome,
Italy, 28 August - 8 September 1995, Volume 1, 758-761
- 98, paper
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, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: R. Wischnewski et al
- Title: A System to Search for Supernova Bursts with the AMANDA
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome,
Italy, 28 August - 8 September 1995, Volume 1, 658-661
- 97, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of B+ and B0 Lifetimes Using
$\overline{D}\ell^+$ Events
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C68 (1995) 13-23, August 1995
- 96, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Strange Baryon Production in Z Hadronic Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C67 (1995) 543-553, August 1995
- 95, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Observation of Short Range Three-Particle Correlations in
$e^+e^-$ Annihilations at LEP Energies
- Ref.: Physics Letters B355 (1995) 415-424, 27 July 1995
- 94, paper
, arxiv
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, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. Askebjer et al
- Title: On the Age vs Depth and Optical Clarity of Deep Ice at South
- Ref.: Journal of Glaciology 41 (1995) 445-454
- 93, paper
- Authors: M. Feindt et al
- Title: Production of $\Sigma^0$ and $\Omega^-$ in Z Decays
- Ref.: DELPHI note 95-96 PHYS-531, 30 June 1995; Contribution to the
International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics,
Brussels, Belgium, 27 July - 2 August 1995
- 92
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration
- Title: Update of the Standard Model Higgs Boson Search
- Ref.: DELPHI note 95-69 PHYS-504, 30 June 1995; Contribution to the
International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics,
Brussels, Belgium, 27 July - 2 August 1995
- 91, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurements of the $\tau$ Polarisation in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C67 (1995) 183-201, June 1995
- 90, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Inclusive Measurements of the K$^\pm$ and p/$\overline{p}$
Production in Hadronic $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: Nuclear Physics B444 (1995) 3-26, 19 June 1995
- 89, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Search for heavy neutral Higgs bosons in two-doublet models
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C67 (1995) 69-79, June 1995
- 88, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: First Measurement of the Strange Quark Asymmetry at the $Z^0\!$
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C67 (1995) 1-13, June 1995
- 87, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry of charm
and bottom Quarks at the Z Pole using $D^{\ast\pm}$ Mesons
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C66 (1995) 341-354, April 1995
- 86, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of ${\Gamma_{b\overline{b}}} \over {\Gamma_{had}}$
using Impact Parameter Measurements and Lepton Identification
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C66 (1995) 323-339, April 1995
- 85
, inspire
- Authors: P. Niss et al
- Title: Production of $\Xi^-$ and $\Omega^-$ Hyperons in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: DELPHI note 95-45 PHYS-486, 6 April 1995
- 84, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Production of Charged Particles, K$^0_S$, K$^\pm$, p and
$\Lambda$ in Z $\rightarrow b\overline{b}$ Events and in the
Decay of b Hadrons
- Ref.: Physics Letters B347 (1995) 447-466, 23 March 1995
- 83, paper
, arxiv
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. Askebjer et al
- Title: Optical Properties of the South Pole Ice at Depths Between 0.8
and 1 km
- Ref.: Science 267 (1995) 1147-1150, 24 February 1995
- 82, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Observation of Orbitally Excited B Mesons
- Ref.: Physics Letters B345 (1995) 598-608, 23 February 1995
- 81, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Study of Radiative Muon-Pair Events at $Z^0\!$ Energies and
Limits on an Additional $Z^\prime$ Gauge Boson
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C65 (1995) 603-618, February 1995
- 80, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Production Characteristics of K0 and Light Meson Resonances
in Hadronic Decays of the $Z^0$
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C65 (1995) 587-602, February 1995
- 79, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry of
${e^+e^-\rightarrow Z\rightarrow b\overline{b}}$ Using
Prompt Leptons and a Lifetime Tag
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C65 (1995) 569-585, February 1995
- 78, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the $\Gamma_{b\overline{b}}/\Gamma_{had}$
Branching Ratio of the Z by Double Hemisphere Tagging
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C65 (1995) 555-568, February 1995
- 77, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: First Evidence of Hard Scattering Processes in Single Tagged
$\gamma\gamma$ Collisions
- Ref.: Physics Letters B342 (1995) 402-416, 12 January 1995
- 76, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: $J/\psi$ Production in the Hadronic Decays of the Z
- Ref.: Physics Letters B341 (1994) 109-122, 22 December 1994
- 75, paper
, paper
, inspire
- Authors: The LEP Collaborations ALEPH, DELPHI, L3, OPAL and the LEP Electroweak
Working Group
- Title: Combined Preliminary Data on Z Parameters from the LEP
Experiments and Constraints on the Standard Model
- Ref.: CERN-PPE/94-187, 25 November 1994; prepared from contributions of
the LEP experiments to the 27th International Conference on High
Energy Physics, Glasgow, Scotland, 20-27 July 1994
- 74, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of Time Dependent $B^0_d-\overline{B^0_d}$ Mixing
- Ref.: Physics Letters B338 (1994) 409-420, 27 October 1994
- 73, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Search for Pair-produced Heavy Scalars in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C64 (1994) 183-193, October 1994
- 72, paper
, paper
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. Askebjer et al
- Title: First Data and Future Prospects for AMANDA, the Antarctic Muon
and Neutrino Detector
- Ref.: Antarctic Journal of the United States 29 (1994) 337-339
- 71, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: T. Miller et al
- Title: Initial Analysis of Coincident Events Between the SPASE and
AMANDA Detectors
- Ref.: Proceedings of the Workshop on Trends in Astroparticle Physics,
Stockholm, Sweden, 22-25 September 1994, edited by L. Bergström,
P. Carlson, P. O. Hulth and H. Snellman; Nuclear Physics B
(Proceedings Supplements) 43 (1995) 245-248, June 1995
- 70, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Charged Kaon Production in Tau Decays at LEP
- Ref.: Physics Letters B334 (1994) 435-449, 18 August 1994
- 69, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the $B^0$ - $\overline{B^0}$ Mixing Parameter in
- Ref.: Physics Letters B332 (1994) 488-500, 21 July 1994
- 68, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Invariant Mass Dependence of Particle Correlations in Hadronic
Final States from the Decay of the $Z^0$
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C63 (1994) 17-28, July 1994
- 67, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Precision Measurement of the Average Lifetime of B Hadrons
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C63 (1994) 3-15, July 1994
- 66, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: Nuclear Physics B421 (1994) 3-37, 13 June 1994
- 65, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Study of Hard Scattering Processes in Multihadron Production
from $\gamma\gamma$ Collisions at LEP
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C62 (1994) 357-365, June 1994
- 64
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: G. Borisov et al
- Title: Update of the Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson
- Ref.: DELPHI note 94-85 PHYS-402, 1 June 1994; Contribution to the
27th International Conference on High Energy Physics,
Glasgow, Great Britain, 20-27 July 1994
- 63, paper
, doi
, ads
, inspire
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: P. Askebjer et al
- Title: AMANDA: Status Report from the 1993-94 Campaign and Optical
Properties of the South Pole Ice
- Ref.: Presented by A. Goobar; Proceedings of the XVI International
Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Eilat, Israel,
29 May - 3 June 1994, ed. A. Dar, G. Eilam, and M. Gronau; Nuclear
Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 38 (1995) 287-292,
January 1995
- 62, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the $e^+e^-\rightarrow \gamma\gamma(\gamma)$
Cross Section at LEP Energies
- Ref.: Physics Letters B327 (1994) 386-396, 19 May 1994
- 61, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Improved Measurements of Cross Sections and Asymmetries at the
$Z^0\!$ Resonance
- Ref.: Nuclear Physics B418 (1994) 403-427, 2 May 1994
- 60, paper
, paper
, erratum
, doi
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurements of the Lineshape of the $Z^0\!$ and Determination
of Electroweak Parameters from its Hadronic and Leptonic Decays
- Ref.: Nuclear Physics B417 (1994) 3-57, 11 April 1994;
erratum ibid B426 (1994) 244
- 59, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of the B$^0_s\;$ Meson Mass
- Ref.: Physics Letters B324 (1994) 500-508, 7 April 1994
- 58, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Interference of Neutral Kaons in the Hadronic Decays of the
- Ref.: Physics Letters B323 (1994) 242-252, 10 March 1994
- 57, paper
- Authors: Ch. Walck
- Title: On Uniform Random Number Generators
- Ref.: Internal Note SUF-PFY/94-02, Particle Physics Group, Fysikum,
Stockholm University, 24 February 1994
- 56, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the $B^0-\overline{B^0}$ Mixing Using the
Average Electric Charge of Hadron-Jets in $Z^0\!$-Decays
- Ref.: Physics Letters B322 (1994) 459-472, 24 February 1994
- 55, paper
- Authors: Ch. Walck
- Title: Implementation of Yet Another Uniform Random Number Generator
- Ref.: Internal Note SUF-PFY/94-01, Particle Physics Group, Fysikum,
Stockholm University, 17 February 1994
- 54, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Production Rate and Decay Lifetime Measurements of $B^0_s$
Mesons at LEP Using $D_s$ and $\phi$ Mesons
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C61 (1994) 407-419, February 1994
- 53, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Production of $\Lambda$ and $\Lambda\overline{\Lambda}$
Correlations in the Hadronic Decays of the $Z^0$
- Ref.: Physics Letters B318 (1993) 249-262, 25 November 1993
- 52, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Limits on the Production of Scalar Leptoquarks from $Z^0$
Decays at LEP
- Ref.: Physics Letters B316 (1993) 620-630, 28 October 1993
- 51, paper
, doi
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of D Meson Production in $Z^0\!$ Hadronic Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C59 (1993) 533-545, September 1993;
erratum ibid C65 (1995) 709-710
- 50, paper
, paper
, inspire
- Authors: The LEP Collaborations ALEPH, DELPHI, L3, OPAL and the LEP Electroweak
Working Group
- Title: Updated Parameters of the $Z^0\!$ Resonance from Combined
Preliminary Data of the LEP Experiments
- Ref.: CERN-PPE/93-157, 26 August 1993; Contribution to the
International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics,
Marseille, France, 22-28 July 1993 and the 1993 International
Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Energies,
Cornell, USA, 10-15 August 1993
- 49, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the Triple-Gluon Vertex from 4-Jet Events at
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C59 (1993) 357-368, August 1993
- 48, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Search for $Z^0\!$ Decays to two Leptons and a Charged
Particle-Antiparticle Pair
- Ref.: Nuclear Physics B403 (1993) 3-24, 16 August 1993
- 47, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of the Mean Lifetimes of Charged and Neutral
- Ref.: Physics Letters B312 (1993) 253-266, 5 August 1993
- 46, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Determination of $\alpha_s$ from the Scaling Violation in the
Fragmentation Functions in $e^+e^-$ Annihilation
- Ref.: Physics Letters B311 (1993) 408-424, 29 July 1993
- 45, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of $\Lambda_b $ Production and Lifetime in $Z^0$
Hadronic Decays
- Ref.: Physics Letters B311 (1993) 379-390, 29 July 1993
- 44, paper
, ads
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: D. M. Lowder et al
- Title: Hardware Design and Prototype Tests of the AMANDA Neutrino
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Calgary,
Canada, 19-30 July 1993, Volume 4, 569-572
- 43, paper
, ads
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: S. Tilav et al
- Title: AMANDA: Design of a 1 Kilometer Deep High Energy Neutrino
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Calgary,
Canada, 19-30 July 1993, Volume 4, 561-564
- 42, paper
, ads
- Authors: AMANDA Collaboration: T. Miller et al
- Title: AMANDA: Measurement of South Pole Ice Transparency at 800 meter
- Ref.: Proceedings of the 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Calgary,
Canada, 19-30 July 1993, Volume 4, 557-560
- 41, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Determination of $\alpha_S$ using the Next-to-Leading-Log
Approximation of QCD
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C59 (1993) 21-33, July 1993
- 40, paper
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: G. Borisov et al
- Title: Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: DELPHI note 93-70 PHYS-297, 29 June 1993; Contribution to the
International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics,
Marseille, France, 22-28 July 1993
- 39, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Determination of $\alpha_s$ for b Quarks at the $Z^0\!$
- Ref.: Physics Letters B307 (1993) 221-236, 10 June 1993
- 38, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: The working group on LEP Energy; LEP Collaborations ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and
- Title: Measurement of the Mass of the Z Boson and the Energy
Calibration of LEP
- Ref.: Physics Letters B307 (1993) 187-193, 10 June 1993
- 37, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of the Tau Lifetime
- Ref.: Physics Letters B302 (1993) 356-368, 25 March 1993
- 36, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Study of $B^0-\overline{B}^0$ Mixing using Semileptonic
Decays of B Hadrons Produced From $Z^0$
- Ref.: Physics Letters B301 (1993) 145-154, 25 February 1993
- 35, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of B Meson Production and Lifetime Using
$D\ell^-$ Events in $Z^0$ Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C57 (1993) 181-195, February 1993
- 34, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Search for Lepton Flavour Violation in $Z^0$ Decays
- Ref.: Physics Letters B298 (1993) 247-256, 7 January 1993
- 33, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of Inclusive Production of Light Meson Resonances in
Hadronic Decays
- Ref.: Physics Letters B298 (1993) 236-246, 7 January 1993
- 32, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Classification of the Hadronic Decays of the $Z^0\!$
into b and c Quark Pairs using a Neural Network
- Ref.: Physics Letters B295 (1992) 383-395, 3 December 1992
- 31, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Multiplicity Fluctuations in Hadronic Final States from
the Decay of the $Z^0$
- Ref.: Nuclear Physics B386 (1992) 471-492, 9 November 1992
- 30, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions for Fixed Number of
Jets in $Z^0\!$ Hadronic Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C56 (1992) 63-75, October 1992
- 29, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the Partial Width of the $Z^0\!$ Into
$b\overline{b}$ Final States Using Their Semi-Leptonic Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C56 (1992) 47-61, October 1992
- 28, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Study of the Decays of Tau Leptons Produced on the Z
Resonance at LEP
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C55 (1992) 555-567, September 1992
- 27, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Evidence for $B^0_s$ Meson Production in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: Physics Letters B289 (1992) 199-210, 3 September 1992
- 26, paper
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: S. Braibant et al
- Title: An Update on the Search for Neutral Higgs Particles in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: DELPHI note 92-101 PHYS-209, 8 July 1992; Contribution to the XXVI
Conference in High Energy Physics, Dallas, Texas, USA, 6-12 August
- 25, paper
, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Bose-Einstein Correlations in the Hadronic Decays of the $Z^0$
- Ref.: Physics Letters B286 (1992) 201-210, 23 July 1992
- 24, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the $Z^0\!$ Branching Fraction to b
Quark Pairs Using the Boosted Sphericity Product
- Ref.: Physics Letters B281 (1992) 383-393, 14 May 1992
- 23, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Determination of $\alpha_s$ in Second Order QCD from
Hadronic Z Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C54 (1992) 55-73, April 1992
- 22, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Search for Neutral Higgs Particles in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: Nuclear Physics B373 (1992) 3-34, 30 March 1992
- 21, paper
, doi
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- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Measurement of the Average Lifetime of B Hadrons
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C53 (1992) 567-580, March 1992
- 20, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Study of Final State Photons in Hadronic $Z^0\!$ Decay and
Limits on New Phenomena
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C53 (1992) 555-565, March 1992
- 19, paper
, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of $\sin^2\theta_W$ from the Charge Asymmetry of
Hadronic Events at the $Z^0\!$ Peak
- Ref.: Physics Letters B277 (1992) 371-382, 5 March 1992
- 18, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of the $b\overline{b}$ Forward-Backward Asymmetry
Using the Semileptonic Decay Into Muons
- Ref.: Physics Letters B276 (1992) 536-546, 20 February 1992
- 17, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Multiplicity Dependence of Mean Transverse Momentum in $e^+e^-$
Annihilations at LEP Energies
- Ref.: Physics Letters B276 (1992) 254-262, 6 February 1992
- 16, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: LEP Collaborations: ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL
- Title: Electroweak Parameters of the $Z^0\!$ Resonance and the Standard Model
- Ref.: Physics Letters B276 (1992) 247-253, 6 February 1992
- 15, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Production of Strange Particles in the Hadronic Decays of the $Z^0$
- Ref.: Physics Letters B275 (1992) 231-242, 23 January 1992
- 14, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Search for Scalar Leptoquarks from $Z^0\!$ Decay
- Ref.: Physics Letters B275 (1992) 222-230, 23 January 1992
- 13, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Search for Excited Charged Leptons in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C53 (1992) 41-51, January 1992
- 12, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Study of Orientation of 3-jet Events in $Z^0\!$ Hadronic Decays
Using the DELPHI Detector
- Ref.: Physics Letters B274 (1992) 498-506, 16 January 1992
- 11, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Searches for Heavy Neutrinos from Z Decays
- Ref.: Physics Letters B274 (1992) 230-238, 9 January 1992
- 10, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Determination of $Z^0\!$ Resonance Parameters and Couplings From
Its Hadronic and Leptonic Decays
- Ref.: Nuclear Physics B367 (1991) 511-574, 30 December 1991
- 9, paper
- Authors: Ch. Walck
- Title: Parabolic Spline Functions Used in Random Number Generation
- Ref.: Internal Note SUF-PFY/91-02, Particle Physics Group, Fysikum,
Stockholm University, 20 December 1991
- 8, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions in Restricted
Intervals in $Z^0\!$ Hadronic Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C52 (1991) 271-281, October 1991
- 7, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: The Reaction $e^+e^-\to\gamma\gamma(\gamma)$ at $Z^0\!$
- Ref.: Physics Letters B268 (1991) 296-304, 10 October 1991
- 6, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Measurement of the Lifetime of the Tau Lepton
- Ref.: Physics Letters B267 (1991) 422-430, 19 September 1991
- 5, paper
, doi
, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Search for Low Mass Higgs Bosons Produced in $Z^0\!$ Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C51 (1991) 25-35, July 1991
- 4, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: A Study of the Reaction $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-$ Around the
$Z^0\!$ Pole
- Ref.: Physics Letters B260 (1991) 240-248, 9 May 1991
- 3, paper
, doi
, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions in $Z^0\!$ Hadronic Decays
- Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C50 (1991) 185-194, April 1991
- 2, paper
, doi
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, inspire
- Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
- Title: Experimental Study of the Triple-Gluon Vertex
- Ref.: Physics Letters B255 (1991) 466-476, 14 February 1991
- 1, paper
- Authors: Ch. Walck
- Title: On Moments and their Estimation
- Ref.: Internal Note SUF-PFY/91-01, Particle Physics Group, Fysikum,
Stockholm University, 16 January 1991
End of list
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