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List of Publications for ( walck ) and ( 1973-1990 )

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( walck ) and ( 1973-1990 )

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94, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Energy-Energy Correlations in Hadronic Final States From $Z^0\!$ Decays
Ref.: Physics Letters B252 (1990) 149-158, 6 December 1990

93, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Measurement of the Partial Width of the Decay of the $Z^0\!$ Into Charm Quark Pairs
Ref.: Physics Letters B252 (1990) 140-148, 6 December 1990

92, paper , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Search for Non-Standard $Z^0\!$ Decays in Two-Particle Final States
Ref.: Presented at the 25th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, 2-8 August 1990; CERN-PPE/90-167, 13 November 1990

91, paper , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Search for Higgs Bosons Using the Delphi Detector
Ref.: Presented at the 25th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, 2-8 August 1990; CERN-PPE/90-163, 7 November 1990

90, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Search for Light Neutral Higgs Particles Produced in $Z^0\!$-Decays
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B342 (1990) 1-14, 24 September 1990

89, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: A Comparison of Jet Production Rates on the $Z^0\!$ Resonance to Perturbative QCD
Ref.: Physics Letters B247 (1990) 167-176, 6 September 1990

88, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: A Search for Sleptons and Gauginos in $Z^0\!$ Decays
Ref.: Physics Letters B247 (1990) 157-166, 6 September 1990

87, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Search for Scalar Quarks in $Z^0\!$ Decays
Ref.: Physics Letters B247 (1990) 148-156, 6 September 1990

86, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: A Study of Intermittency in Hadronic $Z^0\!$ Decays
Ref.: Physics Letters B247 (1990) 137-147, 6 September 1990

85, paper , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: DELPHI Results on the $Z^0\!$ Resonance Parameters through its Hadronic and Leptonic Decay Modes
Ref.: Contribution to the 25th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, 2-8 August 1990; CERN-PPE/90-119, 16 August 1990

84, paper , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: A Measurement of the Partial Width of the $Z^0\!$ Boson into b Quark Pairs
Ref.: Contribution to the 25th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, 2-8 August 1990; CERN-PPE/90-118, 16 August 1990

83, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Search for Pair Production of Neutral Higgs Bosons in $Z^0\!$ Decays
Ref.: Physics Letters B245 (1990) 276-288, 9 August 1990

82, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Search for the t and $b'$ Quarks in Hadronic Decays of the $Z^0\!$ Boson
Ref.: Physics Letters B242 (1990) 536-546, 14 June 1990

81, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: Search for Heavy Charged Scalars in $Z^0\!$ Decays
Ref.: Physics Letters B241 (1990) 449-458, 17 May 1990

80, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Abreu et al
Title: A Precise Measurement of the Z Resonance Parameters Through its Hadronic Decays
Ref.: Physics Letters B241 (1990) 435-448, 17 May 1990

79, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Aarnio et al
Title: Study of the Leptonic Decays of the $Z^0\!$ Boson
Ref.: Physics Letters B241 (1990) 425-434, 17 May 1990

78, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Aarnio et al
Title: Study of Hadronic Decays of the $Z^0\!$ Boson
Ref.: Physics Letters B240 (1990) 271-282, 19 April 1990


77, paper
Authors: Ch. Walck
Title: Implementation of a New Uniform Random Number Generator (including benchmark tests)
Ref.: Internal Note SUF-PFY/89-01, Particle Physics Group, Fysikum, Stockholm University, 21 December 1989

76, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: R. E. Ansorge et al
Title: Hyperon Production at 200 and 900 GeV c.m. Energy
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B328 (1989) 36-58, 11 December 1989

75, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: P. Aarnio et al
Title: Measurement of the Mass and Width of the $Z^0\!$-Particle from Multihadronic Final States Produced in $e^+e^-$ Annihilations
Ref.: Physics Letters B231 (1989) 539-547, 16 November 1989

74, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: R. E. Ansorge et al
Title: Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions at 200 and 900 GeV C.M. Energy
Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C43 (1989) 357-374, July 1989

73, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: R. E. Ansorge et al
Title: Photon Production at c.m. Energies of 200 and 900 GeV
Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C43 (1989) 75-89, June 1989


72, paper , doi , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: R. E. Ansorge et al
Title: Kaon Production in $p\overline{p}$ Interactions at c.m. Energies from 200 to 900 GeV
Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C41 (1988) 179-190, November 1988

71, paper
Authors: Ch. Walck
Title: Proposal for a New Random Number Generator for the DELPHI Simulation Program
Ref.: Internal Note SUF-PFY/88-01, Particle Physics Group, Fysikum, Stockholm University, 6 October 1988

70, paper , paper , doi , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: R. E. Ansorge et al
Title: Charged Particle Correlations in $\overline{p}p$ Collisions at c.m. Energies of 200, 546 and 900 GeV
Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C37 (1988) 191-213, January 1988


69, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: R. E. Ansorge et al
Title: Kaon Production at 200 and 900 GeV c.m. Energy
Ref.: Physics Letters B199 (1987) 311-316, 17 December 1987

68 , inspire
Authors: Ch. Walck
Title: Random Number Generation
Ref.: University of Stockholm, USIP Report 87-15, December 1987

67, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. Alner et al
Title: UA5: A General Study of Proton-Antiproton Physics at $\sqrt{s}$ = 546 GeV
Ref.: Physics Reports 154 (1987) 247-383, October 1987

66, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration G. J. Alner et al
Title: The UA5 High Energy $\overline{p}p$ Simulation Program
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B291 (1987) 445-502, 7 September 1987

65, paper , doi , inspire
Authors: Organizing committee: L. Bergström, P. O. Hulth, C. Jarlskog, C. Walck (Stockholm University), D. A. Caton, W. O. Lock (CERN)
Title: Proceedings of the 1986 CERN School of Physics, Sandhamn, Sweden, 8-21 June 1986
Ref.: CERN yellow report, CERN 87-02, 30 March 1987


64, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: R. E. Ansorge et al
Title: Diffraction Dissociation at the CERN Pulsed $p\overline{p}$ Collider at c.m. Energies of 900 and 200 GeV
Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C33 (1986) 175-185, December 1986

63, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: An Accelerator Search at 900 GeV CM Energy for the Centauro Phenomenon
Ref.: Physics Letters B180 (1986) 415-422, 20 November 1986

62, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: Scaling of Pseudorapidity Distributions at c.m. Energies up to 0.9 TeV
Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C33 (1986) 1-6, November 1986

61, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: Antiproton-Proton Cross Sections at 200 and 900 GeV CM Energy
Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C32 (1986) 153-161, September 1986

60, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: BEBC WA66 Collaboration: H. Grässler et al
Title: Prompt Neutrino Production in 400 GeV/c Proton Copper Interactions
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B273 (1986) 253-274, 18 August 1986

59, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: Scaling Violations in Multiplicity Distributions at 200 and 900 GeV
Ref.: Physics Letters B167 (1986) 476-480, 20 February 1986


58, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: WA66 Collaboration: A. M. Cooper-Sarkar et al
Title: Bounds on Light Gluinos from the BEBC Beam Dump Experiment
Ref.: Physics Letters B160 (1985) 212-216, 3 October 1985

57, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: A New Empirical Regularity for Multiplicity Distributions in Place of KNO Scaling
Ref.: Physics Letters B160 (1985) 199-206, 3 October 1985

56, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: Multiplicity Distributions in Different Pseudorapidity Intervals at a CMS Energy of 540 GeV
Ref.: Physics Letters B160 (1985) 193-198, 3 October 1985

Authors: Svante Berglund, Mikael Berggren, Per Carlson, Gösta Ekspong, Göran Floom, Sven-Olof Holmgren, Per Olof Hulth, Klas Hultqvist, Erik Johansson, Torbjörn Moa, Christian Walck, Narendra Yamdagni
Title: DELPHI-detektorn vid LEP
Ref.: Tankar och experiment om materiens hemligheter - Svensk partikelfysik 1985, Forskningsrådens Förlagstjänst 1985, 15

Authors: Per Carlson, Gösta Ekspong, Christer Fuglesang, Kerstin Jon-And, Fredrik Lotse, Christian Walck, Narendra Yamdagni, Barbro Åsman
Title: Projekt "UA5" vid CERNs antiproton-proton lagringsring
Ref.: Tankar och experiment om materiens hemligheter - Svensk partikelfysik 1985, Forskningsrådens Förlagstjänst 1985, 14

Authors: P. O. Hulth, Ch. Walck, M. Berggren, K. Hultqvist
Title: Högenergetiska neutrinoreaktioner
Ref.: Tankar och experiment om materiens hemligheter - Svensk partikelfysik 1985, Forskningsrådens Förlagstjänst 1985, 10-11

52, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: Kaon Production in $\overline{p}p$-Reactions at a Centre of Mass Energy of 540 GeV
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B258 (1985) 505-539, 9 September 1985

51, paper , paper , ads , inspire
Authors: K. Jon-And and Ch. Walck
Title: Treatment of Strange Particle Decays Observed in the UA5 Streamer Chambers
Ref.: University of Stockholm, USIP Report 85-16, July 1985

50 , inspire , inspire
Authors: M. Berggren, S. Berglund, G. Floom, P. O. Hulth, Ch. Walck and N. Yamdagni
Title: Digitization and Readout of the HPC Data in Fastbus
Ref.: DELPHI note 85-69 CAL-18, April 1985

49, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: Observation of $\Xi^-$ Production in $p\overline{p}$ Interactions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 540 GeV
Ref.: Physics Letters B151 (1985) 309-314, 14 February 1985

48, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: R. Carlsson et al
Title: Study of Interference Effects of Identical Pions in 9.1 GeV/c $\overline{p}p$-Interactions
Ref.: Physica Scripta 31 (1985) 21-25, January 1985


47 , inspire
Authors: Christian Walck
Title: Strange Particles and Multiplicity Distributions
Ref.: Invited talk. Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Lund, Sweden, 10-16 June 1984, ed. G. Gustafson and C. Peterson, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, Singapore (1984) 143-154

46, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: Particle Data Group: C. G. Wohl et al
Title: Review of Particle Properties
Ref.: Reviews of Modern Physics 56 (1984) S1-S304, April 1984

45, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: G. J. Alner et al
Title: Scaling Violation Favouring High Multiplicity Events at 540 GeV cms Energy
Ref.: Physics Letters B138 (1984) 304-310, 19 April 1984


44, paper , inspire
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration: W. Bartl et al
Title: DELPHI - Technical Proposal
Ref.: DELPHI 83-66/1, CERN/LEPC/83-3, LEPC/P2, 17 May 1983

43, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: K. Alpgård et al
Title: Forward-Backward Multiplicity Correlations in $\overline{p}p$ Collisions at 540 GeV
Ref.: Physics Letters B123 (1983) 361-366, 7 April 1983

42, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: K. Alpgård et al
Title: Particle Multiplicities in $\overline{p}p$ Interactions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 540 GeV
Ref.: Physics Letters B121 (1983) 209-215, 27 January 1983


41, paper
Authors: G. J. Alner et al
Title: PROPOSAL: An Exploratory Investigation of $p\overline{p}$ Interactions at 800-900 GeV cm Energy at the SPS Collider
Ref.: CERN/SPSC 82-75, SPSC/P184, 15 October 1982 and CERN/SPSC 82-82, SPSC/P184/S, 6 December 1982 (summary)

40, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: K. Alpgård et al
Title: Production of Photons and Search for Centauro Events at the SPS Collider
Ref.: Physics Letters B115 (1982) 71-76, 19 August 1982

39, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: K. Alpgård et al
Title: Strange Particle Production at the CERN SPS Collider
Ref.: Physics Letters B115 (1982) 65-70, 19 August 1982

Authors: K. Jon-And and Ch. Walck
Title: A New Vertex Finding Program for UA5
Ref.: CERN/EP/SCE-R703-UA5/P 82-9, 19 July 1982

37, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: K. Alpgård et al
Title: Comparison of $p\overline{p}$ and pp Interactions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 53 GeV
Ref.: Physics Letters B112 (1982) 183-188, 6 May 1982

36, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: Particle Data Group: M. Roos et al
Title: Review of Particle Properties, 25th Anniversary Edition
Ref.: Physics Letters B111 (1982) i-xxi, 1-294, April 1982


35, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: K. Alpgård et al
Title: Charged Particle Multiplicities at the CERN SPS Collider
Ref.: Physics Letters B107 (1981) 315-319, 17 December 1981

34, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: UA5 Collaboration: K. Alpgård et al
Title: First Results on Complete Events for $p\overline{p}$ Collisions at the c.m. Energy of 540 GeV
Ref.: Physics Letters B107 (1981) 310-314, 17 December 1981

33, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: S. Rodebäck, I. Sjögren, S. O. Holmgren and Ch. Walck
Title: Description of a $\pi^-p$ Bubble Chamber Experiment at 4 GeV/c Incident Momentum
Ref.: University of Stockholm, USIP Report 81-05, March 1981


32, paper
Authors: Bonn-Brussels-Cambridge-CERN-Stockholm Collaboration
Title: Preliminary Tests of R703T-UA5 at the ISR
Ref.: CERN/EP/SCE-R703T-UA5/P 80-20, 26 August 1980, Memorandum to the ISR Committee: CERN/ISRC 80-25, 26 August 1980 and Memorandum to the SPS Committee: CERN/SPSC 80-78, M 243, 26 August 1980

31, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: G. W. van Apeldoorn et al
Title: Diffraction Dissociation in the Final State $\overline{p}p\pi^+\pi^-$ at 12 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B169 (1980) 365-372, 28 July & 4 August 1980

30 , inspire
Authors: H. Braun et al
Title: Comparison of $\overline{p}p$ and $\overline{p}n$ Annihilations at 9 GeV/c
Ref.: CRN/HE 80-12, Strasbourg, France and in Proceedings of the 5th European Symposium on Nucleon Anti-Nucleon Interactions, Bressanone, Italy, 23-28 June 1980, CLEUP, Padova (1980) 107-118, October 1980

29, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: Bonn-Brussels-Cambridge-CERN-Stockholm Collaboration
Title: The UA5 Streamer Chamber Experiment at the SPS $\overline{p}p$ Collider
Ref.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimentation at LEP, Uppsala, Sweden, 15-20 June 1980; Physica Scripta 23 (1981) 642-648, April 1981

Authors: D. Johnson, J. G. Rushbrooke and Ch. Walck
Title: Image Intensifier Radiant Gain Measurement Employing a Solid State Photometer
Ref.: CERN/EP/SCE-R703T-UA5/O 80-16, 20 May 1980

27, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: R. Stenbacka et al
Title: Statistical Model for $\pi$, $\rho$, f and $\omega$ Production in Antinucleon-Nucleon Annihilation
Ref.: Zeitschrift für Physik C4 (1980) 323-332, April 1980

Authors: Ch. Walck
Title: Reconstruction of Events with Straight Tracks with the Possibility to Find Several Undetected Interaction Points
Ref.: CERN/EP/SCE-R703T-UA5/S 80-14, 26 March 1980


25, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: R. Stenbacka et al
Title: Differential $\overline{N}N\to\overline{N}\pi N$ Isospin Amplitudes at 9 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B157 (1979) 413-424, 1 October 1979

24, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: R. Stenbacka et al
Title: Multiplicity Distributions and $\pi^0$ Production in Antiproton-Proton Annihilation Between 0 and 100 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuovo Cimento 51A (1979) 63-80, 1 May 1979

23, paper
Authors: Bonn-Brussels-Cambridge-Stockholm Collaboration: J. Allan et al
Title: Memorandum to ISR Committee: An Investigation of Proton-Antiproton Events of 540 GeV CM Energy with a Streamer Chamber Detection System
Ref.: CERN/ISRC/79-5, 22 February 1979


22, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: M. Markytan et al
Title: Inclusive Production of Vector and Tensor Mesons in Antiproton-Proton Annihilation and Non-Annihilation Interactions at 9.1 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B143 (1978) 263-284, 16 October 1978

21 , inspire
Authors: R. Carlsson et al
Title: Description of the 9.1 GeV/c Antiproton-Proton Bubble Chamber Experiment
Ref.: University of Stockholm, USIP Report 78-15, October 1978

Authors: Christian Walck
Title: Study of Target Fragmentation, Production of Delta-Pairs and Searches for New Particle States in Antiproton-Proton Reactions
Ref.: PhD thesis, University of Stockholm, September 1978; Sundt Offset, Stockholm, 1978, ISBN 91-7146-021-7

19, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: M. T. Regan et al
Title: Inclusive $\gamma, K^0_S$ and $\Lambda$ Production in 4.6 and 9.1 GeV/c $\overline{p}p$ Interactions
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B141 (1978) 65-76, 14 & 21 August 1978

18, paper , paper , addendum
Authors: Bonn-Cambridge-Rutherford-Stockholm Collaboration: M. G. Albrow et al
Title: PROPOSAL: An Investigation of Proton-Antiproton Events at 540 GeV CM Energy with a Streamer Chamber Detection System
Ref.: CERN-SPSC 78-70, SPSC P-108, 29 May 1978; CERN-SPSC 78-71, SPSC P-108/S, 29 May 1978 (Summary); CERN-SPSC 78-107, SPSC P-108/Add. 1, 21 September 1978 and CERN-SPSC 78-147, SPSC P-108/Add. 2, 30 November 1978

17, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: R. Stenbacka et al
Title: Single-Pion Production in Antiproton-Proton Interactions
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B135 (1978) 20-44, 27 March 1978

16, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: G. W. van Apeldoorn et al
Title: A Search for the I Peak at 2.60 GeV/c in 12 GeV/c $\overline{p}p$ Interactions in the CERN 2m HBC
Ref.: Physics Letters B72 (1978) 487-488, 16 January 1978


15, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: R. Stenbacka et al
Title: Study of the Reaction $\overline{p}p \to \overline{p}\omega p$ at 9.1 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B131 (1977) 386-398, 19 & 26 December 1977

14, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: G. Warren et al
Title: Mechanisms in $\overline{p}p$ Annihilation
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B130 (1977) 367-387, 21 November 1977

13, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: P. Gregory et al
Title: Experimental Tests of the Factorization Predictions for $p\stackrel{\overline{p}}{\rightarrow} \Delta^{++}$ at 9.1 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B122 (1977) 435-442, 9 May 1977

12, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: P. S. Gregory et al
Title: Cross Sections of Annihilation and Inelastic Final States for $\overline{p}p$ Interactions at 9.1 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B119 (1977) 60-76, 14 February 1977


11, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: R. Carlsson et al
Title: Two-Pion Correlations in 9.1 GeV/c Antiproton-Proton Reactions
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B104 (1976) 1-20, 16 February 1976

10, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: P. Gregory et al
Title: Search for Single Cluster Formation in Annihilation Reactions
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B102 (1976) 189-206, 12 January 1976


9, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: Ch. Walck et al
Title: Study of the Reaction $\overline{p}p \to \overline{\Delta^{++}}\Delta^{++}$ at 9.1 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B100 (1975) 61-73, 8 December 1975

8, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: R. Carlsson et al
Title: Search for Charmed Matter in 9.1 GeV/c Antiproton-Proton Reactions
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B99 (1975) 451-457, 1 December 1975

7, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: G. Warren et al
Title: Is Antiproton Annihilation Central or Peripheral?
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B97 (1975) 381-391, 20 October 1975

Authors: Ch. Walck
Title: Review of Recent Results in the 9 GeV/c $\overline{p}p$-Experiment
Ref.: Invited talk. Proceedings of the International Symposium on $\overline{p}p$-Interactions, Loma-Koli, Finland, 11-19 June 1975, ed. Jorma Tuominiemi, University of Helsinki Report Series in Physics No. 103 (1975) 65-86


5, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: D. Everett et al
Title: A Test of Factorisation Predictions for the Fragmentation Processes $\overline{p}p \to \pi^\pm$ at $\overline{p}$ Momenta of 9.1 and 4.6 GeV/c
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B78 (1974) 222-232, 25 August 1974

4, paper , doi , ads , inspire
Authors: D. Everett et al
Title: High Transverse Momenta and $\overline{p}p$ Annihilations
Ref.: Nuclear Physics B73 (1974) 440-448, 11 May 1974


3, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: R. Carlsson et al
Title: Exclusive Contributions to Inclusive Distributions in 9.2 GeV/c Antiproton-Proton Reactions
Ref.: University of Stockholm, USIP Report 73-23, December 1973

2, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: R. Carlsson et al
Title: Fragmentation $p \stackrel{\overline{p}}{\rightarrow} \Delta$ in 9.2 GeV/c Antiproton-Proton Reactions
Ref.: University of Stockholm, USIP Report 73-22, December 1973

1, paper , paper , inspire
Authors: R. Carlsson et al
Title: Correlation of Transverse Momenta in 9.2 GeV/c Antiproton-Proton Reactions
Ref.: University of Stockholm, USIP Report 73-21, December 1973

End of list

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