A Story about Computer Bugs! In the evening of the day before this picture was taken my desktop, after nearly 300 days of uptime, started to misbehave and was rebooted. After such a long uptime the disks were thoroughly checked which took all evening. The next morning when I came to work there was a strong noise in my office obviously originating from the computer. Was it a hardware error? Maybe a faulty disk or hopefully only a bad fan? After inspection a fan on the rear of the computer showed a piece of "dust" sticking out. With some problems, since the fan was pulling back, I finally manged to pull it out. It turned out to be a big bumble-bee! It was this poor animal which was causing the nasty noise in the office. I assumed it was a dead bumble-bee which had been there since long and by a coincidence, at the time of the reboot, had been sucked into te fan. However, it turned out to be alive! It was severly injured and the most mercyful option seemed to be to end its misery. Shortly afterwards I found a smaller bumble-bee at the window and later a third bigger one turned up. It was the latter which I managed to catch with my rather new mobile camera which turned out to have a macro option with nice quality. Obviously I have had over-wintering bumble-bees in my office! A few days later two more turned up in my office. After a long winter spring is here and it is time for them to wake up. A very improbable coincindence that they woke up just at this rare and special occasion and that one of them was unlucky to be sucked into a computer fan. Truly "Computer bugs"! |