Updated Feb 20, 2013

Advanced Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (FK7025) Course Information

Text Book

  • Quantum Field Theory, by F. Mandl and G. Shaw (Second Edition from 2010)
  • Supplementary reading: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory , by Peskin and Schroeder

Lecture Notes

These notes are meant to supplement the book, not substitute it!

Homework Problems

Problem set 1 (due date: Dec 14, 2012)
Problem set 2 (due date: Jan 8, 2013)
Problem set 3 (due date: Jan 29, 2013)

Course Content

Symmetries and conservation laws in field theory (proof and applications of Noether's theorem), Quantization of relativistic free fields (scalar field, electromagnetic field and the Dirac field). Interacting fields and perturbation theory, calculation of scattering cross-sections. Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and calculation of cross sections in Bhaba, Möller and Compton scattering. Radiative corrections: regularization, renormalization, calculation of Lamb-shift and anomalous magnetic moment. Non-abelian gauge theories and their quantization, Fadeev-Popov ghosts and BRST quantization. Quantum Chromodynamics. Introduction to Weak interactions, spontaneous symmetry breaking, Goldstone and Higgs mechanisms, Yukawa couplings, theory of electroweak interactions and the standrd model of particle physics.