Evaluation , Exercise Sessions , Home Work , Lab Work , Old Exams , Book , Kursforum, Course Content

Electromagnetism-II (Ellara 9hp) (FK4005e) Course Information

  1. The second homework problem set is available below (due date: Monday, Feb 27, 2012)
  2. The deadline for the submission of lab reports is March 12, 2012.
  3. Instructions for lab work added below

Final Evaluation:

The final evaluation is based on a written exam at the end of the course and the solutions to homework problems handed out during the course. The final exam contributes 80% of the total marks and the remaining 20% come from the homeworks (doing the homework problems is mandatory irrespective of this contribution to overall marks).
The students' overall performance will be graded on a 7 point scale (A - E, Fx,F).
The grading criteria is available here .

Exercise Sessions:

The exercise sessions are conducted by Mikael von Strauss and are based on the "kompendium" by Bjorn Sellden. Here are the links to the solutions for
odd and even numbered problems. The problems to be solved in each session are listed here.


Problem set 1 : (due date: Monday, Feb 13, 2012)
Problem set 2 : (due date: Monday, Feb 27, 2012)

Instructions for Demonstrations and Lab work:

Here is the material you will need for your lab demonstations:
For the "Laboration" you must read this document:
Magnetiska fält

General instructions for carrying out the "laborations"

A guide to common errors to be avoided in lab reports (from Tomasz Kloda)

A guide to the Lissajous Ellipse

Solutions to Old Exams:

You will find some of the older exams for this course and their solutions

Course Book:

Grant & Phillips, Electromagnetism (Second Edition)

Optional complementary reading:



Course Content:

Sections of the course book (Grant and Phillips) that are part of the course are indicated below:

Chapter 1 (Forces and nergy in electrostatics):
  • 1.1 Electric charge
  • 1.2 The electric field
  • 1.3 Electric fields in matter (1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3)
  • 1.4 Gauss' law (1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4)
  • 1.5 Electrostatic energy (1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5)

Chapter 2 (Dielectrics):
  • 2.1 Polarization
  • 2.2 Relative permittivity and electric susceptibility (2.2.2: only until equation 2.11)
  • 2.3 Macroscopic Fields in Dielectrics (2.3.1, 2.3.2)
  • 2.4 Energy in the presence of dielecteics
  • Chapter 3 section 3.6: Summary of electrostatics

Chapter 4 (Steady Currents and Magnetic Fields):
  • 4.1 Electromotive force and conduction (4.1.1)
  • 4.2 The magnetic field (4.2.1, 4.2.2: only pages 125-126)
  • 4.3 The magnetic dipole (4.3.1)
  • 4.4 Ampere's law (4.4.1: only equation 4.31, 4.4.2, 4.4.3)
  • 4.5 The differential form of Ampere's law (4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3)
  • 4.6 Forces and torques on coils (not 4.6.1)
  • 4.7 The motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields (4.7.1, 4.7.2)

Chapter 5 (Magnetic Materials):
  • 5.1 Magnetization (excluding 5.1.1-5.1.3)
  • 5.2 The macroscopic magnetic field inside media (5.2.2: only equation 5.19)
  • 5.3 The field vector H (5.3.1, a discussion of hysteresis: pages 201-203)
  • 5.4 Summary of magnetostatics

Chapter 6 (Electromagnetic induction and magnetic energy):
  • 6.1 Electromagnetic induction (6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.4)
  • 6.2 Self-inductance and mutual inductance (6.2.1, 6.2.2)
  • 6.3 Energy and forces in magnetic fields (6.3.1, 6.3.4)
  • 6.4.1 The measurement of magnetic fields

Chapter 7 (Alternating currents and transients):
  • 7.1 Alternating current generators
  • 7.2 Amplitude, phase and period
  • 7.3 Resitance, capacitance and inductance in AC circuits
  • 7.4 Phasor diagram and complex impedance
  • 7.5 Power in AC circuits
  • 7.6 Resonance
  • 7.7 Transients

Chapter 8 (Linear Circuits):
  • 8.1 Networks (8.1.1, 8.1.2)

Chapter 10 (Maxwell's equations):
  • 10.1 The equation of continuity
  • 10.2 Displacement current
  • 10.3 Maxwell equations
