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List of Publications for Supernova - Gravitational lensing
List of Publications for
Supernova - Gravitational lensing
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- 39, paper
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- Authors: A. Townsend et al. (64 authors)
- Title: Candidate Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernovae in the
Zwicky Transient Facility Archive
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 694 (2025) A146, February 2025 [arXiv:2405.18589 [astro-ph.HE]]
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- Authors: N. Arendse et al. (11 authors)
- Title: Microlensing of Lensed Supernovae Zwicky & iPTF16geu: Constraints
on the Lens Galaxy Mass Slope and Dark Compact Object Fraction
- Ref.: e-print archive arXiv:2501.01578 [astro-ph.GA], 2 January 2025
- 37, paper
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- Authors: C. Larison et al. (36 authors)
- Title: LensWatch: II. Improved Photometry and Time Delay Constraints on the
Strongly-Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx ("SN Zwicky") with HST Template
- Ref.: e-print archive arXiv:2409.17239 [astro-ph.HE], 6 September 2024
- 36, paper
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- Authors: LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration: Nikki Arendse et al. (10 authors)
- Title: Detecting Strongly-Lensed Type Ia Supernovae with LSST
- Ref.: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531
(2024) 3509-3523, July 2024 [arXiv:2312.04621 [astro-ph.CO]]
- 35, paper
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- Authors: Ariel Goobar, Joel Johansson, Ana Sagués Carracedo
- Title: Strongly Lensed Supernovae: Lessons Learned
- Ref.: e-print archive arXiv:2406.13519 [astro-ph.CO], 19 June 2024
- 34, paper
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- Authors: A. Sagués Carracedo et al. (10 authors)
- Title: Detectability and Characterisation of Strongly Lensed Supernova
Lightcurves in the Zwicky Transient Facility
- Ref.: e-print archive arXiv:2406.00052 [astro-ph.HE], 28 May 2024
- 33, paper
, arxiv
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- Authors: M. Pascale et al. (24 authors)
- Title: SN H0pe: The First Measurement of $H_0$ from a Multiply-Imaged
Type Ia Supernova, Discovered by JWST
- Ref.: e-print archive arXiv:2403.18902 [astro-ph.CO], 27 March 2024
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- Authors: Sherry H. Suyu, Ariel Goobar, Thomas Collett, Anupreeta More, Giorgos Vernardos
- Title: Strong Gravitational Lensing and Microlensing of Supernovae
- Ref.: Space Science Reviews 220 (2024) 13, 5 February 2024 [arXiv:2301.07729 [astro-ph.CO]]
- 31, paper
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- Authors: A. Goobar et al. (37 authors)
- Title: Uncovering a Population of Gravitational Lens Galaxies with
Magnified Standard Candle SN Zwicky
- Ref.: Nature Astronomy 7 (2023) 1098-1107, September 2023 [arXiv:2211.00656 [astro-ph.CO]]
- 30, paper
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- Authors: J. D. R. Pierel et al. (42 authors)
- Title: LensWatch: I. Resolved HST Observations and Constraints on
the Strongly-Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx ("SN Zwicky")
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal 948 (2023) 115, 10 May 2023 [arXiv:2211.03772 [astro-ph.CO]]
- 29, paper
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- Authors: J. M. Diego et al. (8 authors)
- Title: Microlensing and the type Ia supernova iPTF16geu
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 662 (2022) A34, June 2022 [arXiv:2112.04524 [astro-ph.CO]]
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- Authors: J. Johanson et al. (17 authors)
- Title: Spectroscopy of the First Resolved Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernova iPTF16geu
- Ref.: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502
(2021) 510-520, March 2021 [arXiv:2004.10164 [astro-ph.GA]]
- 27, paper
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- Authors: E. Mörtsell, J. Johansson, S. Dhawan, A. Goobar, R. Amanullah, D. A. Goldstein
- Title: Lens Modelling of the Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernova iPTF16geu
- Ref.: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496
(2020) 3270-3280, August 2020 [arXiv:1907.06609 [astro-ph.CO]]
- 26, paper
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- Authors: S. Dhawan et al. (17 authors)
- Title: Magnification, Dust and Time-Delay Constraints from the First
Resolved Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernova iPTF16geu
- Ref.: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491
(2020) 2639-2654, January 2020 [arXiv:1907.06756 [astro-ph.GA]]
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- Authors: David F. Chernoff, Ariel Goobar, Janina J. Renk
- Title: Prospects of Cosmic Superstring Detection through Microlensing
of Extragalactic Point-Like Sources
- Ref.: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491
(2020) 596-614, January 2020 [arXiv:1905.03796 [astro-ph.CO]]
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- Authors: Daniel A. Goldstein, Peter E. Nugent, Ariel Goobar
- Title: Rates and Properties of Supernovae Strongly Gravitationally
Lensed by Elliptical Galaxies in Time-Domain Imaging Surveys
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 243 (2019) 6, July 2019 [arXiv:1809.10147 [astro-ph.GA]]
- 23, paper
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- Authors: The Supernova Cosmology Project: D. Rubin et al. (35 authors)
- Title: The Discovery of a Gravitationally Lensed Supernova Ia at Redshift 2.22
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal 866 (2018) 65, 10 October 2018 [arXiv:1707.04606 [astro-ph.GA]]
- 22, paper
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- Authors: T. Petrushevska et al. (10 authors)
- Title: Searching for Supernovae in the Multiply-Imaged Galaxies Behind
the Gravitational Telescope A370
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 614 (2018) A103, June 2018 [arXiv:1802.10525 [astro-ph.GA]]
- 21, paper
- Authors: Ariel Goobar
- Title: Upptäckten av en gravitationellt linsad supernova
öppnar för ny era inom kosmologi
- Ref.: Fysikaktuellt, nr 2, 17-19, juni 2018
- 20, paper
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- Authors: T. Petrushevska, R. Amanullah, M. Bulla, M. Kromer, R. Ferretti, A. Goobar, S. Papadogiannakis
- Title: Testing for Redshift Evolution of Type Ia Supernovae Using the
Strongly Lensed PS1-10afx at $z=1.4$
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 603 (2017) A136, July 2017 [arXiv:1706.03770 [astro-ph.HE]]
- 19, paper
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- Authors: A. Goobar et al. (34 authors)
- Title: iPTF16geu: A Multiply Imaged, Gravitationally Lensed Type Ia Supernova
- Ref.: Science 356 (2017) 291-295, 21 April 2017 [arXiv:1611.00014 [astro-ph.CO]]
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- Authors: T. Petrushevska et al. (15 authors)
- Title: High-redshift Supernova Rates Measured with the Gravitational
Telescope A1689
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 594 (2016) A54, October 2016 [arXiv:1607.01617 [astro-ph.GA]]
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- Authors: The Supernova Cosmology Project: J. Nordin et al. (22 authors)
- Title: Lensed Type Ia Supernovae as Probes of Cluster Mass Models
- Ref.: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 440
(2014) 2742-2754, 21 May 2014 [arXiv:1312.2576 [astro-ph.CO]]
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- Authors: T. Riehm et al. (9 authors)
- Title: Near-IR Search for Lensed Supernovae Behind Galaxy Clusters:
III. Implications for Cluster Modeling and Cosmology
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 536 (2011) A94, December 2011 [arXiv:1109.6351 [astro-ph.CO]]
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- Authors: R. Amanullah et al. (19 authors)
- Title: A Highly Magnified Supernova at $z=1.703$ Behind the
Massive Galaxy Cluster Abell 1689
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal Letters 745 (2011) L7, 20 November 2011 [arXiv:1109.4740 [astro-ph.CO]]
- 14, paper
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- Authors: J. Jönsson, T. Dahlén, I. Hook, A. Goobar, E. Mörtsell
- Title: Weighing Dark Matter Haloes with Gravitationally Lensed
- Ref.: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 402 (2010)
526-536, February 2010 [arXiv:0910.4098 [astro-ph.CO]]
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- Authors: A. Goobar et al. (14 authors)
- Title: Near-IR Search for Lensed Supernovae Behind Galaxy Clusters
- II. First Detection and Future Prospects
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 507 (2009) 71-83, November 2009 [arXiv:0810.4932 [astro-ph]]
- 12, paper
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- Authors: V. Stanishev et al. (14 authors)
- Title: Near-IR Search for Lensed Supernovae Behind Galaxy Clusters
- I. Observations and Transient Detection Efficiency
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 507 (2009) 61-69, November 2009 [arXiv:0908.4176 [astro-ph.CO]]
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- Authors: J. Jönsson, T. Dahlén, A. Goobar, E. Mörtsell, A. Riess
- Title: Tentative Detection of the Gravitational Magnification
of Type Ia Supernovae
- Ref.: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06 (2007) 002,
4 June 2007 [arXiv:astro-ph/0612329]
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- Authors: J. Jönsson, A. Goobar and E. Mörtsell
- Title: Tuning Gravitationally Lensed Standard Sirens
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal 658 (2007) 52-59, 20 March 2007 [arXiv:astro-ph/0611334]
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- Authors: C. Gunnarsson, T. Dahlén, A. Goobar, J. Jönsson, E. Mörtsell
- Title: Corrections for Gravitational Lensing of Supernovae:
Better than Average?
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal 640 (2006) 417-427, 20 March 2006 [arXiv:astro-ph/0506764]
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- Authors: J. Jönsson, T. Dahlén, A. Goobar, C. Gunnarsson, E. Mörtsell, K. Lee
- Title: Lensing Magnification of Supernovae in the GOODS Fields
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal 639 (2006) 991-998, 10 March 2006 [arXiv:astro-ph/0506765]
- 7, paper
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- Authors: Christofer Gunnarsson and Ariel Goobar
- Title: Massive Galaxy Clusters as Gravitational Telescopes for Distant
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 405 (2003) 859-866, July 2003 [arXiv:astro-ph/0211401]
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- Authors: R. Amanullah, E. Mörtsell, A. Goobar
- Title: Correcting for Lensing Bias in the Hubble Diagram
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 397 (2003) 819-824, January 2003 [arXiv:astro-ph/0204280]
- 5, paper
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- Authors: A. Goobar et al. (4 authors)
- Title: Cosmological Parameters from Lensed Supernovae
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 393 (2002) 25-32,
October 2002 [arXiv:astro-ph/0207139]
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- Authors: A. Goobar et al. (6 authors)
- Title: SNOC: a Monte-Carlo Simulation Package for High-z Supernova
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 392 (2002) 757-771,
September 2002 [arXiv:astro-ph/0206409]
- 3, paper
, erratum
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- Authors: E. Mörtsell, C. Gunnarsson, and A. Goobar
- Title: Gravitational Lensing of the Farthest Known Supernova SN1997ff
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal 561 (2001) 106-110, 30 October 2001;
erratum ibid 589 (2003) 1089-1092, 1 June 2003 [arXiv:astro-ph/0105355]
- 2, paper
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- Authors: E. Mörtsell, A. Goobar, and L. Bergström
- Title: Determining the Fraction of Compact Objects in the Universe
Using Supernova Observations
- Ref.: Astrophysical Journal 559 (2001) 53-58, 20 September 2001 [arXiv:astro-ph/0103489]
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- Authors: Lars Bergström, Martin Goliath, Ariel Goobar, and Edvard Mörtsell
- Title: Lensing Effects in an Inhomogeneous Universe
- Ref.: Astronomy and Astrophysics 358 (2000) 13-29, May 2000 [arXiv:astro-ph/9912194]
End of list
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