Home page à la Christian Walck

Christian Walck

Christian Walck
Particle Physics Group
Stockholm University
AlbaNova University Center
(Roslagstullsbacken 21)
SE-106 91 Stockholm
Tfn: +46-(0)8-5537 86 65
e-mail: walck@fysik.su.se

Supermoon eclipse
    Supermoon Eclipse
(Previous stories: "Sun Halo", "Computer Bugs",
"Physics World 2013 Breakthrough of the Year",
and Aurora Borealis)

AlbaNova University Center
Photo P. Walck 2003
AlbaNova University Center (PopUp with full Stockholm view)

Amanda logo Link to Penguin page IceCube logo
My publications 1973-2024
"Hand-book on Statistical Distributions" (ps.gz or pdf)
1999: Amanda was selected as "the weirdest" of the "Seven
          Wonders of Modern Astronomy" by Scientific American
2012-04-19: IceCube on ν's from GRBs in Nature 484 (2012) 351
2013-07-12: IceCube article on PeV-events in PRL and on front cover
2013-11-21: IceCube article in Science and on front cover
2013-12-13: Physics World 2013 Breakthrough of the Year
2017-10-20: GW170817 in ApJ 848 (2017) L12 & ApJ 850(2017) L35
2018-07-13: Articles on TXS0506+056 in Science and on front cover
2021-03-10: Glashow resonance paper in Nature 591 (2021) 220
2022-11-04: Evidence for neutrino emission from NGC 1068 in Science

Astronomy Picture of the Day:
Ice Fishing for Cosmic Neutrinos: 17 March 1999 & 29 April 2001 & 3 August 2003 & 13 February 2011
Distant Neutrinos Detected Below Antarctic Ice: 1 September 2015
Neutrino Associated with Distant Blazar Jet: 16 July 2018

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of the Day

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SLAC Inpires system arXiv.org  arXiv.org Useful